Power splitter 2R 6dB 0-6GHz
Reference: SPLT-2R1-0-6000-B-NF
RF power splitter based on a two-resistor configuration. Broadband device with an operating range form DC to 6 GHz.
Insertion loss is 6 dB and isolation equals 12 dB.
Used in the lab and in test and measurement systems.
5 Items
More info
- This three-port device splits power applied to one port between the other two using a two-resistor configuration.
- Insertion loss is equal to 6dB, isolation is 12 dB.
- The splitter is housed in an CNC machined aluminum enclosure.
- 50 ohm system
Key specifications
- Resistive splitter in 2R configuration
- Frequency range : 0 - 6 GHz
- Insertion loss (S21, S31) : 6 dB
- Isolation (S23) : 12 dB
- Return loss at P1 > 20 dB
- Maximum power : 0.2 W
- Maximum voltage : 50V
The splitter is designed for applications in which the powersplit should be independant of the load impedance. This is the case when the power output ratio of port 2 and 3 is measured with this device.
Another typical application is a levelling loop. In this case one of the ports (either P2 or P3) is used in a negative feedback loop to set the power output level of a generator to some reference value. Now, the other port outputs the same amount of power at a very low equivalent VSWR, due to the effective reflection coefficient approaching zero.
For all other applications, use a 3R power splitter (resistive splitter with three resistors).
Splitter 2R1 0-6000MHz -6dB Rev B datasheet
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